Monday, December 8, 2008

Japanese Introduction Perkenalan Bahasa Jepang

What to say if we meet someone for the first time in Japanese? Well, just memorize these words and sentences below and practice them whenever you have chances.
For example, if you visit this blog for the first time, you just go to the comment box and write what exactly post here.
Here are some words and sentences you must memorize and practice.

How do you do
Selamat berkenalan

私の名前は…your name here/namamu disini… です
Watashi no namae wa …your name here/namamu disini… desu
My name is …your name/namamu…
Namaku …nama…

Doozo yoroshiku
I’m very glad to meet you
Saya sangat senang berkenalan dengan anda

Ways to practice
First, you copy those words/sentences above then paste in your folder in your computer. Give your folder a title. For instance “Kanji to practice”. So, when you visit some blogs concerned with Japanese, make a comment and paste the above sentences but just in kanji style--don’t in English and Indonesian cause your’re practicing kanji-- in the comment box of blog you visit.
Easy isn’t it? If you do so, little by little your Japanese kanjis are getting better and better. Just prove it!

Notes/catatan :

Steps to write
Langkah-langkah penulisan


Used on meeting a person for the first time. It is a form of the verb : hajimeru, “to begin”.

私の名前は…your name here/namamu disini… です
Watashi no namae wa …your name here/namamu disini… desu

Doozo yoroshiku
A phrase used when being introduced, it is usually combined with “hajimemashite”. It is also used when taking one’s leave after having asked a favour.

Suatu ungkapan yang digunakan ketika diperkenalkan , biasanya di gabung dengan “hajimemashite”. Juga digunakan ketika permisi setelah minta tolong.

Yoroshiku means “good” and is a request for the other person’s favorable consideration in the future.

Yoroshiku berarti “baik” dan merupakan permintaan tolong pada seseorang di masa selanjutnya.

It can also be used as follows : “Ari-san ni yoroshiku” (Please give my regard to miss Ari )

Dapat juga digunakan sebagai berikut: “Ari-san ni yoroshiku” ( Tolong sampaikan salam pada mba Ari )

I hope this is easy to understand and どもうありがとうございます

Dewa mata.
See you
Sampai jumpa


  1. ya elahhhhhhhhhhhh, wajah baru (cozy) hanya plurker yang tahu XD

  2. baru ngeh ni kak zen, nggak kak zen nggak kak anto, ari masih SMP neh, belum jadi mba2 & ibu2 T_T, sangat sedih (tears)
